Common faults

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What should we do if there is no response after OpenMV insert the computer?

  • Check the power of OpenMV.Use multimeter to measure pin 3.3V.If the reading is not norml(less than 3V) indicating something is wrong with you USB port of the computer or USB line has some peroblems,change it.
  • Check the equipment manager on the computer.Look over that if the drive being installed correctly with right step and development enviornment.
  • Consuly seller if they burn the firmware correctly.

What if OpenMV and Arduino/STM32/51 connect serial,but there is no message being received?

  • Be sure the serial of OpenMV can export correctly.Use module TTL-USB to link with computer,or use oscp/logic analyzer connect to pin to check if data exporting.
  • Be sure there is nothing wrong with Arduino/STM32/51.Use module TTL-USB to send data to Arduino/STM32/51,check the result.For instance, you compile that if receiving appointed data,turn on the lights of turn off the light.Or use serial to transmit(freshman commit an error extremely easily here thanks to not knowing which serial is to receive data and which serial is to tranmit data at all,which is the most easily being asked about)
  • Be sure there is nothing wrong with serial connection.RX of TX—-Arduino in OpenMV and TX and GND of RX—-Arduino in OpenMV must being linked. Make sure there is nothng to do with suppliing power of Arduino/STM32/51.Certain people do not know the necessity of suppliing power,or being careless.

What if the data of serial is messy code?

  • You need to choose to display code ascii.If it is hex,maybe you will take it as messy code.
  • Make sure it is a ttl level connection. You cannot use the RS232 on the computer to directly connect to the serial port of OpenMV.

Details as in:serial communication Ⅱ

Why can't run procedure electrically?

  • (the most commonly-see)check if there is anything wrong with code.Please test code in IDE.If there is error.definitely it won't run normally.
  • According to the step ofQuickstart in 10 minutes amend to the code to be run.。
  • Be sure suppliing power is correct.Import voltage from 3.7V to 7V(recommending 5V) through pin VIN,or insert USB to supply power directly.
  • If you insert USB line to supply power,please make sure don't link OpenMV in IDE,or USB serial that any serial helper linked with OpenMV.Because at this moment,it will start REPL which will break the procedure of

Why can't save code into OpenMV?

  • This is becaude you may open this file,or the drive goes crazy--restart computer
  • If it still doesn't work.there is possiblity the file system is broken--format

What if there is no image or the image is not moving after running the code?

If run normally,then you might click disable by accident,just click it one more.

Why there is no display map column on the right side?

Use mouse to pull it on the right side.

Why the frame per second is not so high as the mark?

When run in IDE,due to the need of OpenMV transmitting image to computer,which takes lots of time,you can close the image display of computer.

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