Routine explanation-04-edge_detection edge detection

This example is\ The purpose of this example is to implement edge detection.

# 边缘检测例子:
# 这个程序示范了在图像上使用morph函数来进行边缘检测。
# 然后在进行阈值和滤波

import sensor, image, time

kernel_size = 1 # kernel width = (size*2)+1, kernel height = (size*2)+1
kernel = [-1, -1, -1,\
          -1, +8, -1,\
          -1, -1, -1]
# 这个一个高通滤波器。见这里有更多的kernel
thresholds = [(100, 255)] # grayscale thresholds设置阈值

sensor.reset() # 初始化 sensor.

sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # or sensor.RGB565

sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # or sensor.QVGA (or others)
sensor.skip_frames(10) # 让新的设置生效
clock = time.clock() # 跟踪FPS帧率

# 在OV7725 sensor上, 边缘检测可以通过设置sharpness/edge寄存器来增强。
# 注意:这将在以后作为一个函数实现
if (sensor.get_id() == sensor.OV7725):
    sensor.__write_reg(0xAC, 0xDF)
    sensor.__write_reg(0x8F, 0xFF)

    clock.tick() # 追踪两个snapshots()之间经过的毫秒数.
    img = sensor.snapshot() # 拍一张照片,返回图像

    img.morph(kernel_size, kernel)
    #morph(size, kernel, mul=Auto, add=0),morph变换,mul根据图像对比度

    # Erode pixels with less than 2 neighbors using a 3x3 image kernel
    # 腐蚀像素小于2邻居使用3x3图像内核
    img.erode(1, threshold = 2)
    #侵蚀函数erode(size, threshold=Auto),去除边缘相邻处多余的点。threshold

    print(clock.fps()) # 注意: 当连接电脑后,OpenMV会变成一半的速度。当不连接电脑,帧率会增加。

original image:

Image after edge detection:\ img.erode(1, threshold = 2)

img.erode(1, threshold = 4) If the threshold is too large, too many edge points will be eroded, the edges will be unclear and coherent, and the image will be dark.

Singtown Technology OpenMV official Chinese document function explanation:

Singtown Technology OpenMV official Chinese document function explanation:

Singtown Technology OpenMV official Chinese document function explanation:

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