Routine explanation-04-edge_filter edge filtering

# 边缘滤波
# 这个例子展示了边缘滤波。
import sensor, image, time

sensor.reset() # 初始化sensor

sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # or sensor.RGB565

sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # or sensor.QVGA (or others)

sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # 让新的设置生效
clock = time.clock() # 跟踪FPS帧率

    clock.tick() # 追踪两个snapshots()之间经过的毫秒数.
    img = sensor.snapshot() # 拍一张照片,返回图像
    # Run the kernel on every pixel of the image.
    # 在图像的每个像素上运行内核

    print(clock.fps()) # 注意: 当连接电脑后,OpenMV会变成一半的速度。当不连接电脑,帧率会增加。

original image:

Running effect diagram:

Singtown Technology OpenMV official Chinese document function explanation:

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