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Video Tutorial
OpenMV detailed parameters
10-minute quick start
Image processing background knowledge
Python background knowledge
OpenMV image processing method
Photosensitive element
Basic method
Usage Statistics
Find color blocks
AprilTag tracking
Template matching
Multiple template matching
Feature point detection
Distance measurement
Scanning code recognition
Simultaneous recognition of color and shape
Simultaneous recognition of color template matching
Distinguishing different faces
Advanced features
OpenMV is also a single-chip microcomputer
File System
Module usage
pyb various peripherals
String/json/regular expression
Serial communication
Serial communication down
wifi communication
Manually write a module
First class
Manually write a temperature sensor module
OpenMV firmware
Upgrade Firmware
Compile firmware
Genuine Activation
Common Error Tips
Common Faults
Show time consumed
OpenMV accessories
Perforated board
sd card
long-leg female header
right-angle fixing board
common problems
project examples
car chasing balls
Ball-chasing gimbal
Line patrol car
Mnist digital recognition
Target detection Traffic sign recognition in actual road environment
Mask detection
Garbage classification
Tic-Tac-Toe robot
Motorized microscope, 0.0001mm precision
Routine analysis
helloworld Hello, world!
blinky Make the LED light up!
02-Board-Control board-level control
arduino_i2c_slave i2c slave device
arduino_spi_slave spi slave device
arduino_uart arduino serial port
cpufreq_scaling CPU frequency scaling
usb_hid use OpenMV as a mouse
dac_write DAC output
dac_write_timed DAC cycle output
i2c_control i2c control
led_control LED control
native_emitters native_emitters
overclocking overclocking
pin_control pin control
pwm_control pwm control
adc_read read ADC
adc_read_int_channel read internal ADC channel
rtc real time clock
servo_control servo control
spi_control spi control
timer_control timer
timer_tests timer test
uart_control uart control
usb_vcp usb virtual serial port
adc_read_int_channel read internal ADC channel
can CAN communication
dac_write_timed DAC cycle output
vsync_gpio_output VSYNC pin output
03-Drawing drawing
arrow_drawing drawing arrows
circle_drawing Draw a circle
cross_drawing Draw a cross
ellipse_drawing Draw an ellipse
color_drawing Draw a line in the image!
copy2fb copies an image to the framebuffer
flood_fill flood fill
image_drawing draws an image
image_drawing_advanced draws an image in an image
image_drawing_with_custom_palette draws an image using a user-defined palette
keypoints_drawing Draw feature points
line_drawing Draw line segments
rectangle_drawing Draw rectangles
text_drawing Write
04-Image-Filters Image filtering
adaptive_histogram_histogram_equalization Adaptive histogram equalization
histogram_equalization Histogram equalization
blur_filter Blur filter
kernel_filter Kernel filter
cartoon_filter Cartoon filter
color_bilateral_filter Color image bilateral filter
grayscale_bilateral_filter Grayscale image bilateral filter
color_light_removal Color image light removal
grayscale_light_removal Grayscale image light removal
advanced_frame_differencing Advanced inter-frame difference
basic_frame_differencing Simple inter-frame difference
color_binary_filter Binary filter
edge_filter Edge filter
gamma_correction Gamma correction
edge_detection Edge detection
linear_polar Linear polar coordinate mapping
log_polar Logarithmic polar coordinate mapping
erode_and_dilate erosion expansion
grayscale_binary_filter grayscale binarization
lens_correction distortion correction
line_filter line filter
mean_filter mean filter
mean_adaptive_threshold_filter mean adaptive threshold filter
median_adaptive_threshold_filter median adaptive threshold filter
median_filter median filter
midpoint_filter midpoint filter
midpoint_adaptive_threshold_filter midpoint adaptive threshold filter
mode_filter majority filter
mode_adaptive_threshold_filter majority adaptive threshold filter
negative pixel value negation
perspective_and_rotation_correction perspective rotation correction
perspective_correction perspective correction
rotation_correction rotation correction
sharpen_filter image sharpening
ulab ulab
unsharp_filter unsharpening
vflip_hmirror_transpose vertical and horizontal mirror transpose image
05-Snapshot shooting
emboss_snapshot take a relief picture for you
snapshot save picture
snapshot_on_face_detection face recognition photo
snapshot_on_movement moving object photo
time_lapse_photos moving object photo
06-Video-Recording video recording
gif record animated picture
gif_on_face_detection record face recognition animated picture
gif_on_movement record moving object animated picture
imageio_read read binary video
imageio_write write binary video
imageio_memory write and read video
mjpeg save video
mjpeg_on_face_detection Face recognition video
mjpeg_on_movement Moving object video
07-Face-Detection Face detection
face_detection Face recognition
face_recognition Face resolution
face_tracking Face tracking
08-Eye-Tracking Eye tracking
face_eye_detection Eye tracking
iris_detection Pupil recognition
09-Feature-Detection Feature Detection
edges Fast Edge Detection
find_circles Identify circles
find_line_segments Identify line segments
find_lines Identify straight lines
find_rects Identify rectangles
hog HOG feature
keypoints Feature point detection
keypoints_save Feature point save
lbp LBP feature
linear_regression_fast Fast linear regression
linear_regression_robust Robust linear regression
selective_search Selective search
template_matching Template matching
10-Color-Tracking Color tracking
automatic_grayscale_color_tracking Automatic grayscale tracking
automatic_rgb565_color_tracking Automatic color tracking
black_grayscale_line_following Robot line following
image_histogram_info Image histogram
image_statistics_info Image statistics
ir_beacon_grayscale_tracking Infrared grayscale recognition
ir_beacon_rgb565_tracking Infrared color recognition
multi_color_blob_tracking Multi-color recognition
multi_color_code_tracking Multi-color combination recognition
single_color_code_tracking Single color combination recognition
single_color_grayscale_blob_tracking Grayscale recognition
single_color_rgb565_blob_tracking Single color recognition
11-LCD-Shield LCD display
lcd LCD display
12-Thermopile-Shield Thermal imaging
AMG8833_camera AMG8833 camera
AMG8833_camera_lcd AMG8833 camera lcd
AMG8833_overlay AMG8833 overlay
AMG8833_overlay_lcd AMG8833 overlay LCD
MLX90621_camera MLX90621 camera
MLX90621_camera_lcd MLX90621 camera demo LCD
MLX90621_overlay MLX90621 infrared thermal imaging
MLX90621_overlay_lcd MLX90621 thermal imaging LCD display
MLX90640_camera MLX90640 camera
MLX90640_camera_lcd MLX90640 camera LCD
MLX90640_overlay MLX90640_overlay
MLX90640_overlay_lcd MLX90640_overlay_lcd
MLX90640_overlay_smoothed MLX90640_overlay smoothed
13-BLE-Shield Bluetooth
ble Bluetooth module
14-WiFi-Shield Wireless WiFi extension
connect WIFI connection
mqtt_pub mqtt publishing
mqtt_sub mqtt subscription
fw_update upgrade WiFi firmware
http_client http client
http_client_ssl http client encryption
mjpeg_streamer MJPEG video stream
mjpeg_streamer_ap hotspot
mjpeg_streamer_fir wifi view thermal imaging
ntp get current time
scan search wifi list
static_ip static ip
tcp_client tcp client multi-channel
15-Servo-Shield servo expansion board
servo multi-channel servo expansion
find_apriltags tag tracking
find_apriltags_3d_pose 3D positioning
find_apriltags_w_lens_zoom Tracking markers in the center of the field of view
find_barcodes Barcode recognition
find_datamatrices Rectangular code recognition
find_datamatrices_w_lens_zoom Identify the central rectangular code of the field of view
qrcodes_with_lens_corr QR code recognition
qrcodes_with_lens_zoom Identify the central QR code of the field of view
17-Pixy-Emulation pixy emulation
apriltags_pixy_i2c_emulation Use pixy iic protocol to transmit apriltag
apriltags_pixy_spi_emulation Use pixy spi protocol to transmit apriltag
apriltags_pixy_uart_emulation Use pixy uart protocol to transmit apriltag
pixy_i2c_emulation Emulate pixy iic protocol
pixy_spi_emulation Emulate pixy spi protocol
pixy_uart_emulation Emulate pixy uart protocol
mavlink_apriltags_landing_target The drone uses the mavlink protocol to achieve apriltag fixed-point landing
mavlink_opticalflow Use the mavlink protocol to achieve optical flow
19-Low-Power Low power consumption
sensor_sleep Photosensitive element sleep
deep_sleep Deep sleep
stop_mode Stop mode
20-Frame-Differencing Frame difference
in_memory_advanced_frame_differencing Advanced frame difference
in_memory_basic_frame_differencing Simple frame difference
in_memory_shadow_removal Shadow removal frame difference
in_memory_structural_similarity Structural similarity frame difference
on_disk_advanced_frame_differencing Requires SD card advanced frame difference
on_disk_basic_frame_differencing Requires SD card simple frame difference
on_disk_shadow_removal Requires sd card shadow removal frame difference
on_disk_structural_similarity Requires sd card structural similarity frame difference
21-Sensor-Control Sensor control
sensor_auto_gain_control Automatic gain control of the sensor
sensor_exposure_control Manual exposure control of the sensor
sensor_horizontal_mirror Horizontal mirror of the sensor
sensor_manual_whitebal_control Manual white balance control of the sensor
sensor_vertical_flip Vertical flip of the sensor
sesnor_manual_gain_control Manual gain control of the sensor
22-Optical-Flow Optical flow
absolute_rotation_scale Absolute rotation transformation
absolute_translation Absolute translation transformation
differential_rotation_scale Differential rotation transformation
differential_translation Differential translation transformation
image_patches_absolute_rotation_scale Absolute rotation transformation of image patches
image_patches_absolute_translation Absolute translation transformation of image patches
image_patches_differential_rotation-scale Image patch differential rotation transformation
image_patches_differential_translation Image patch differential translation transformation
23-Motor-Shield Motor expansion board
motor-shield-power-driver DC motor driver
motor-shield-pwm Motor driver board output PWM
motor motor
stepper stepper
24-External-Sensors External-Sensors
I2C_Lidar_Lite_V3_example_code I2C control laser radar
25-Machine-Learning Machine learning
tf_mnist Digital recognition
tf_object_detection FOMO person detection
nn_stm32cubeai stm32_cubeai neural network
tf_mobilenet_search_whole_window TensorFlow_mobilenet Whole image recognition
tf_mobilenet_serach_just_center TensorFlow_mobilenet Image center recognition
tf_person_detection_search_just_center TensorFlow Image center person detection
tf_person_detection_search_whole_window TensorFlow Whole image person detection
nn_cifar10 CIFAR10 neural network routines
nn_cifar10_search_just_center Neural network area center recognition
nn_cifar10_search_whole_window Neural network whole image recognition
nn_haar_smile_detection Smile detection
26-April-Tags AprilTag recognition
find_apriltags AprilTag recognition
find_apriltags_3d_pose Recognize AprilTag 3D position
find_apriltags_max_res Maximum resolution to recognize AprilTag
find_apriltags_w_lens_zoom Regional center to recognize AprilTag
find_small_apriltags Identify small AprilTag
27-Lepton infrared thermal imaging
lepton_get_object_temp Get object temperature
lepton_get_object_temp_color Get object temperature color
lepton_get_object_temp_color_lcd Get object temperature color LCD display
lepton_get_object_temp_lcd Get object temperature LCD display
lepton_hotspot_grayscale_color_tracking Hotspot grayscale color tracking
lepton_hotspot_grayscale_color_tracking_lcd Hotspot grayscale color tracking LCD display
lepton_hotspot_rgb565_color_tracking Hotspot color color tracking
lepton_hotspot_rgb565_color_tracking_lcd Hotspot color color tracking LCD display
lepton_target_temp_hotspot_grayscale_color_tracking Target temperature hotspot grayscale tracking
lepton_target_temp_hotspot_rgb565_color_tracking Target temperature hotspot color tracking
28-Global-Shutter Global shutter
high_fps high frame rate
triggered_mode trigger mode
29-IMU-Shield IMU expansion board
imu_read imu read
imu_RT read OpenMV RT built-in accelerometer data
30-Distance-Shield distance expansion board
distance_read read distance
31-TV-Shield image transmission expansion board
image transmission display
32-Modbus Modbus protocol
Modbus and AprilTag
Modbus rtu slave
33-Light-Shield light source expansion board
light light source expansion board
34-Remote-Control Remote-Control
image_transfer_jpg_as_the_remote_device_for_your_computer OpenMV as a controlled device to transmit jpg images to the computer
image_transfer_jpg_streaming_as_the_remote_device_for_your_computer OpenMV as a controlled device to transmit jpg streams to the computer
image_transfer_raw_as_the_controller_device OpenMV as the master device to transfer raw images
image_transfer_raw_as_the_remote_device OpenMV as the controlled device to transfer raw images
popular_features_as_the_controller_device OpenMV as the master device to implement common
popular_features_as_the_remote_device OpenMV as the controlled device to implement common functions
35-Readout-Control Readout-Control
100_fps_ir_led_tracking 100_fps_ir_led_tracking 100 frames IR infrared LED tracking
99-Tests self-test
colorbar color test
fps frame rate test
selftest self-test
unittests unit test
Published with HonKit
17-Pixy-Emulation pixy emulation
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