Genuine authorization

OpenMV is an open project, and all files are open source. But there are also some troubles. Similar to Arduino, some people make OpenMV PCB boards by themselves and then sell them cheaply. Such behavior damages the interests and development of the project.

  • Reducing the number of production will affect OpenMV's cost control
  • Reducing profits will affect OpenMV's software development
  • Crudely made boards will bring some problems and will bother developers

Therefore, for boards that are not purchased from the official website, OpenMV's IDE will take certain measures.

Whenever you connect, 3 dialog boxes will be prompted, suggesting that you purchase a license from OpenMV.


Each license is $15, equivalent to RMB 100.\ After purchasing the license, an email will be sent to you with a string of character keys.

You can fill in the key, and the software will bind the key to your board. One key can only correspond to one OpenMV.

I hope everyone can buy the official circuit board or donate money to them.

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