Compile firmware



OpenMV does not need to compile firmware for normal use. You only need to connect the OpenMV board through IDE and run Python code.

If you are interested in the firmware source code of OpenMV and want to learn more, you can compile the firmware.

Get Ubuntu

You can install dual systems, install a virtual machine, or use bash on windows under win10.

Now assume that you already have Ubuntu.

Install the required software

sudo apt-get remove gcc-arm-none-eabi
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-embedded
sudo apt-get install libc6-i386
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install make

Get the project code

Due to network problems in China, GitHub is prone to sub-project download errors, resulting in compilation failures. To avoid problems, you can download all the code directly fromSingtown's download address:

Download V4.2.1:

After downloading, unzip the openmv_v4.2.1 folder


cd openmv_v4.2.1
make -j$(nproc) -C src/micropython/mpy-cross
make -j$(nproc) TARGET=OPENMV4 -C src

The code will compile the firmware for OpenMV Cam H7. If you need to compile other boards, change the TATGET parameter:

TARGET=OPENMV3 # 编译 OpenMV Cam M7 固件
TARGET=OPENMV4 # 编译 OpenMV Cam H7 固件 (default)
TARGET=OPENMV4P # 编译 OpenMV Cam H7 Plus 固件

Firmware file

The firmware will be generated in the src/build/bin directory:

bootloader.bin - Bootloader Binary Image (not directly used)
bootloader.dfu - Bootloader DFU Image (not directly used)
bootloader.elf - Bootloader ELF Image (used to generate the BIN/DFU Files)
firmware.bin - Firmware Binary Image (Used by Tools->Run Bootloader in OpenMV IDE)
firmware.dfu - Firmware DFU Image (not directly used)
firmware.elf - Firmware ELF Image (used to generate the BIN/DFU Files)
openmv.bin - Combined Bootloader+Firmware Binary Image (not directly used)
openmv.dfu - Combined Bootloader+Firmware DFU Image (Used by Tools->Run Bootloader in OpenMV IDE)
uvc.bin - Alternative UVC Binary Image (not directly used)
uvc.dfu - Alternative UVC DFU Image (not directly used)
uvc.elf - Alternative UVC ELF Image (used to generate the BIN/DFU Files)

Burn firmware

Reference video:

OpenMV video tutorial 05-upgrade firmware:

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