OpenMV Embedded Machine Vision Tutorial

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The copyright of this book belongs to GuangzhouSingtown Information Technology Co., Ltd. Any form of reproduction or plagiarism without authorization is prohibited, and infringement will be investigated.

Who is the book designed for?

  • Readers who are interested in embedded machine vision.
  • Readers who are interested in OpenMV and intend to use it in their projects.
  • Readers who are interested in computer vision. They can design funny projects with the help of OpenMV, which, without trouble in points such as Fourier Transform, wavelet transform or filtering, would arouse their interest in studying computer vision.

What is OpenMV?

OpenMV is a registered trademark of StarTelecom.

In simple terms, it is a programmable camera, which can make your ideas come true through MicroPython language. \ The camera have some image processing algorithm built inside itself making it easy to start.

What is OpenMV designed to do?

  • The DIY projects production, such as a car or a pan_tilt chasing a ball, or a robot that can solve a magic cube.

  • The making of an embedded industrial solutions which have strict requirements on costs, for example, sorting the articles on assembly line.

What is OpenMV unsuitable for?

  • Complicated algorithm such as OCR identification.

What background knowledge do you need to read the book?

  • This book tries to be easy to understand and will not delve into the details of image algorithms. No background knowledge of image processing is required.

  • Have learned a programming language, understand logical statements such as if else, and know concepts such as variable assignment.

  • Have object-oriented concepts and understand concepts such as classes, objects, and methods.

  • Have a basic understanding of microcontrollers, and understand concepts such as IO ports, voltage, and serial ports.

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